
What do you do if your boss is openly racist and misogynistic but the company doesn’t care?

My horrible retail job hired a new manager, about #4 in 2 years, and he's fucking terrible. Hard core Trumper and Jan 6 supporter. Doesn't like black people, gays, trans people, doesn't respect women. I hate him and we all do. He harasses and fires black employees, treats the women much differently than the men, he's fucking terrible. We've all tried reporting him to the company and they all cover for him, and think he's a great person. The company has even been sued and they just settle quietly I guess and keep the culprits employed.

My horrible retail job hired a new manager, about #4 in 2 years, and he's fucking terrible. Hard core Trumper and Jan 6 supporter. Doesn't like black people, gays, trans people, doesn't respect women. I hate him and we all do. He harasses and fires black employees, treats the women much differently than the men, he's fucking terrible. We've all tried reporting him to the company and they all cover for him, and think he's a great person. The company has even been sued and they just settle quietly I guess and keep the culprits employed.

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