
What do you guys think about this idea?

What if a bunch of people – like several thousand people – sort of combined the Occupy movement, pioneers, communes, and worker cooperatives, and did a thing where they all moved out to some down and out rust belt town. Buy properties for very cheap and have worker coops to do all kinds of things: some of the “settlers” are construction workers, some start a full service grocery store, wholesalers, etc. Basically worker owned businesses for the things that actually are needed (no BS jobs) although some people may be remote workers who settle with this group. And just take care of their own needs basically. The reason people currently don't move out to the abandoned midwestern towns is there are no jobs there… but could a group of pioneers basically make the jobs – start the businesses needed to serve themselves? But not in a starting from scratch empty…

What if a bunch of people – like several thousand people – sort of combined the Occupy movement, pioneers, communes, and worker cooperatives, and did a thing where they all moved out to some down and out rust belt town. Buy properties for very cheap and have worker coops to do all kinds of things: some of the “settlers” are construction workers, some start a full service grocery store, wholesalers, etc. Basically worker owned businesses for the things that actually are needed (no BS jobs) although some people may be remote workers who settle with this group. And just take care of their own needs basically. The reason people currently don't move out to the abandoned midwestern towns is there are no jobs there… but could a group of pioneers basically make the jobs – start the businesses needed to serve themselves? But not in a starting from scratch empty place but in an already existing city or town – integrating into the town as a whole. Running for office there, utilizing (and contributing to) the city life and services. Start an art space and then someone has the job of running it. Start a restaurant. It would require the group to plan together before moving out, live together in tight quarters to save up money, and probably take a long time to make a go of it in the new place. But wouldn't it be better than renting forever, feeling stuck in a coastal city with ever rising property prices and no hope for the future?

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