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The true difference between the extremely rich and the average worker is that the rich are able to shield themselves so thoroughly from the basic messes of life that after awhile they forget that messes exist. Problems with vehicles, plumbing, appliances, hot water heaters, furnaces, roofs, on and on, the sort of breakdown that a person of average income might lose sleep over or feel was a sign of impending doom are unknown to the very rich. After I read this comment, I immediately thought of the politicians and their donors in the US, business owners, and the C-Suite of a corporation. They have had whatever resources they have needed for so long that they have forgotten just how hard life can be without the financial resources that they have. These people only hear the whining of their underlings that they need more money to live and they have become…

The true difference between the extremely rich and the average worker is that the rich are able to shield themselves so thoroughly from the basic messes of life that after awhile they forget that messes exist. Problems with vehicles, plumbing, appliances, hot water heaters, furnaces, roofs, on and on, the sort of breakdown that a person of average income might lose sleep over or feel was a sign of impending doom are unknown to the very rich.

After I read this comment, I immediately thought of the politicians and their donors in the US, business owners, and the C-Suite of a corporation. They have had whatever resources they have needed for so long that they have forgotten just how hard life can be without the financial resources that they have. These people only hear the whining of their underlings that they need more money to live and they have become so jaded that they don't see the true struggle that the average person has at living life.

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