
What do you want from a manager?

I was recently promoted to manager at a job where I have been nearly killing myself. I don’t really want to be a manager but I couldn’t turn down the pay. What do good workers, want from your managers other than to be trusted, to be asked for YOUR ideas, and to be left to do your work? If you’re new, are you open to friendly mentoring? I want this experience to be positive for the 3 employees; I want them to be able to grow because they all seem to deserve it. So while many of us hate work right now, what could a new manager do to help you not hate work as much?? I’ve basically just wanted my managers to treat me as an adult and do training meetings as I need. I want to treat them as I wish to be treated. Thoughts??

I was recently promoted to manager at a job where I have been nearly killing myself. I don’t really want to be a manager but I couldn’t turn down the pay.

What do good workers, want from your managers other than to be trusted, to be asked for YOUR ideas, and to be left to do your work? If you’re new, are you open to friendly mentoring? I want this experience to be positive for the 3 employees; I want them to be able to grow because they all seem to deserve it.
So while many of us hate work right now, what could a new manager do to help you not hate work as much??

I’ve basically just wanted my managers to treat me as an adult and do training meetings as I need. I want to treat them as I wish to be treated. Thoughts??

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