
What does…?

Whistle blowing for Osha actually do? I ask out of genuine curiosity, I mean, you can YouTube the term 'Osha' and find dozens of videos of some schmuck in a concealed Home Depot vest. And, I've been indoctrinated for most of my adult life on the ways of the 'Osha Standard'. However, I've never worked for a company that had an investigation pulled on them. I've never blown the whistle myself. So what actually happens when Big Bad American Boogeyman Osha starts looking around the workplace?

Whistle blowing for Osha actually do? I ask out of genuine curiosity, I mean, you can YouTube the term 'Osha' and find dozens of videos of some schmuck in a concealed Home Depot vest. And, I've been indoctrinated for most of my adult life on the ways of the 'Osha Standard'.

However, I've never worked for a company that had an investigation pulled on them. I've never blown the whistle myself.

So what actually happens when Big Bad American Boogeyman Osha starts looking around the workplace?

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