
What does 6 years of professional experience get you?

Let's see: You get laid off from a company you helped secure another year of funding for, including the entire team's (myself included) salaries for the next 12 months. 12 months of job security cut down to 3 weeks (lay off on the 8th). You transition from Operations to BizDev to support the company's new path, generating over 2000 leads prior to the layoff. You apply for 1,000+ jobs in and out of your industry trying to ensure you get a job lined up in time to support your family. Total I've received 4 interviews out of that 1000+. The overwhelming majority haven't replied. What am I supposed to do? I just want to support my family and work remote but I've discovered over time that those two wants are cardinal sins. No, I have to commute, or I have to relocate to somewhere I can't afford to live…I am…

Let's see:

  • You get laid off from a company you helped secure another year of funding for, including the entire team's (myself included) salaries for the next 12 months. 12 months of job security cut down to 3 weeks (lay off on the 8th).
  • You transition from Operations to BizDev to support the company's new path, generating over 2000 leads prior to the layoff.
  • You apply for 1,000+ jobs in and out of your industry trying to ensure you get a job lined up in time to support your family. Total I've received 4 interviews out of that 1000+. The overwhelming majority haven't replied.

What am I supposed to do? I just want to support my family and work remote but I've discovered over time that those two wants are cardinal sins. No, I have to commute, or I have to relocate to somewhere I can't afford to live…I am genuinely bitter and feel hopeless. Any advice appreciated, but I 100% understand if there's no advice to give.

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