
What even happened here?

My husband works at a pizza place, (I won’t say which one specifically) but he is a manager. He signed up for insurance around March, and has been using it for his mental health care since then. We recently received a bill from his provider saying he DOES NOT in fact have insurance. We’ve called around and apparently his insurance was canceled in June, but here’s where it gets weird. He’s been paying for it from his check still. Nearly $200 a month auto withdrawal before he even sees the paystub! How does this even happen?! What can we do? Is this wage theft at some level? It’s already been over $1000 we’ve paid for insurance that wasn’t provided!

My husband works at a pizza place, (I won’t say which one specifically) but he is a manager. He signed up for insurance around March, and has been using it for his mental health care since then.
We recently received a bill from his provider saying he DOES NOT in fact have insurance. We’ve called around and apparently his insurance was canceled in June, but here’s where it gets weird.
He’s been paying for it from his check still. Nearly $200 a month auto withdrawal before he even sees the paystub! How does this even happen?! What can we do? Is this wage theft at some level? It’s already been over $1000 we’ve paid for insurance that wasn’t provided!

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