
What exactly is the breaking point for us?

I’m in the US so this is mainly for those living here. When the hell do we decide enough is enough? This isn’t an attack on anyone and I don’t mean any disrespect but how long are we supposed to put up with all this shit? What has to happen for us to do something about it? It doesn’t seem like anything is getting better going forward and the politicians and government that are supposed to be here to help us clearly don’t give a fuck about us. They just want the money and all they do is lie. We actually vote for them because they make promises to ensure change is coming and then of course, nothing happens and we do it all again every few years. They show time and time again that they don’t care about us, healthcare is a joke, most people are constantly working to…

I’m in the US so this is mainly for those living here. When the hell do we decide enough is enough? This isn’t an attack on anyone and I don’t mean any disrespect but how long are we supposed to put up with all this shit? What has to happen for us to do something about it?

It doesn’t seem like anything is getting better going forward and the politicians and government that are supposed to be here to help us clearly don’t give a fuck about us. They just want the money and all they do is lie. We actually vote for them because they make promises to ensure change is coming and then of course, nothing happens and we do it all again every few years. They show time and time again that they don’t care about us, healthcare is a joke, most people are constantly working to barely scrape by, we have nothing to look forward to, it’s not like the next person we elect is going to suddenly be different just because they said so. They lie.

I love the people of this country, they are what makes this country great. I just believe we are capable of actually doing something about this but we don’t. They keep us divided on insanely ridiculous issues, why are we actually debating what people should get paid, who marries who, what some random person is doing with their kid in another state. I promise these issues aren’t that serious, it’s just arguing to split everyone on dumb things.

Everyone has to want to change if we want change to happen. I’m not saying burn down the government and destroy the country but the people who are making the decisions aren’t making them for us. They don’t care at all and if we don’t do anything there’s no reason for them to change. I know it’s hard and organizing would be difficult and people are scared because homelessness and the government coming down on them, but things are already bad and everything is getting more expensive. We need people in charge that care about us and will actually take the steps to make things better, why is that a bad thing for us to want? I don’t get what we are waiting for.

We can organize and communicate well enough to start something. In the last few years we had an Area 51 event that was big enough for the government to actual have to come out and say they’ll shoot people for trespassing. Pretty sure we had a whole event where people with the same names met up. And January 6th happened, and that was at the White House. I’m not saying that’s what should happen, but if we want to organize and actually get change, I think we have the tools to do that. From there it’s just about getting people to trust each other, the sooner we realize we are all in the same boat, the sooner we can help ourselves.

I’m not a genius, I don’t know everything, I barely know anything so a lot of what I think could be wrong and if that’s the case then cool, call me out please and I’ll shut my mouth because I am just kinda stupid so it would make sense. But everyone seems miserable and angry about something, I just think if we could all be angry at the same thing, we would realize how much we have in common with each other. There are millions of us, the numbers do not favor them, they have divided us and made us too afraid to anything. Again I’m not saying we need to fight or anything like that but I have to imagine someone has better ideas, I just wish we would try, I know that we can do better. It may not be better immediately but we can make a better future, it just won’t happen with the people making decisions now.

I’m sorry for this also lol just a bad day at work and needed to rant I guess and I’m not sure people will even see this. Like I said this isn’t an attack on the people, it’s more anger towards the government and politicians. I love the people, I just want the best for everyone. The government is supposed to be here to We know that they don’t care and they wont change, we have to be the ones to do something about it. We are all in this together.

If anyone does read this, have a great day, and drink some water please

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