
What Happened to ‘Essential’ Workers?

I work in distribution so when COVID slapped the 'lean' supply chains in their face with its big fat pandemic-dick, I was there to partake in the ensuing shit show. And there is one mystery I have not been able to solve… Companies went HARD with the 'Thank you for your service' propaganda to their front line workers. Musicians made music about the 'heroes' on the front lines, companies made commercials about it them, and your work place was probably littered with posters about it. We worked beyond ridiculous hours in often ridiculous conditions. Some of us got some company wide bonuses and some were lucky enough like me to be an exempt employee and didn't receive one cent of overtime through the entire thing. We watched as our friends, the ones that were able to work from home, wrote essays about how bored they were. All this to keep…

I work in distribution so when COVID slapped the 'lean' supply chains in their face with its big fat pandemic-dick, I was there to partake in the ensuing shit show. And there is one mystery I have not been able to solve…

Companies went HARD with the 'Thank you for your service' propaganda to their front line workers. Musicians made music about the 'heroes' on the front lines, companies made commercials about it them, and your work place was probably littered with posters about it.

We worked beyond ridiculous hours in often ridiculous conditions. Some of us got some company wide bonuses and some were lucky enough like me to be an exempt employee and didn't receive one cent of overtime through the entire thing. We watched as our friends, the ones that were able to work from home, wrote essays about how bored they were.

All this to keep society going through a pandemic and all that good stuff.

But when the dust settled, just like that, the essential worker seemed to disappear!

I'm curious to hear why some of you think that happened or if I am just dead wrong. I feel like the WFH crowd was quick to punch companies in the mouth and say 'we are keeping things this way!' but nothing ever really came up from the 'essential' side of things – why do you think that is?

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