
What happens when nobody wants to do the crappy jobs anymore?

I hate work as much as you all do, but sometimes I wonder – if everyone just stopped doing the crappy jobs, what would happen to our society? Lots of soul-crushing jobs are absolutely necessary for everything to function. Cleaning toilets, collecting garbage, line cooking, elder care. And even jobs that are just less desirable like bus driver, barber, retail worker or waiter. All of these need to exist, and lots of them need workers in very large quantities. But we've already seen that people just don't want to do these jobs anymore. Industries are missing workers left and right. Now you could say that of course nobody wants to do them. Not only is the activity in itself terrible, but the pay is abysmal as well. And while that is true, the reality is that a lot of these industries just don't bring in enough money to pay high…

I hate work as much as you all do, but sometimes I wonder – if everyone just stopped doing the crappy jobs, what would happen to our society?

Lots of soul-crushing jobs are absolutely necessary for everything to function. Cleaning toilets, collecting garbage, line cooking, elder care. And even jobs that are just less desirable like bus driver, barber, retail worker or waiter. All of these need to exist, and lots of them need workers in very large quantities. But we've already seen that people just don't want to do these jobs anymore. Industries are missing workers left and right.

Now you could say that of course nobody wants to do them. Not only is the activity in itself terrible, but the pay is abysmal as well. And while that is true, the reality is that a lot of these industries just don't bring in enough money to pay high wages. Should barbers, restaurants and retail stores increase their prices by 100%, so that they can pay their staff better? Should cleaning personell demand $500 to clean a single room? Where is this money supposed to come from, when everyone is already poor as shit?

I'm interested in what this sub thinks about this topic. I find it really easy to forget that our life only functions because countless people do the shitty jobs we don't want to do.

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