
What have i done wrong? Please advise me!

For context been in the job three weeks coming up to 4. I have just had a progress meeting where I have been told i do not ask enough questions & i don't write enough notes down & that it is not good enough. Ok thanks for the help but i have had absolutely no work to do for the past 3 weeks. Even to practice on. I'm new so of course i will make mistakes but blaming me for not asking questions when i have no work to do / emails isn't right. I am being shown how to do things and being told information / shadowing but i am not able to put this into practice (obviously because i am new) But what do i do? I want to ask more questions but it won't benefit me right now as it is too complex. Its in insurance btw.ALSO…

For context been in the job three weeks coming up to 4. I have just had a progress meeting where I have been told i do not ask enough questions & i don't write enough notes down & that it is not good enough.

Ok thanks for the help but i have had absolutely no work to do for the past 3 weeks. Even to practice on. I'm new so of course i will make mistakes but blaming me for not asking questions when i have no work to do / emails isn't right.

I am being shown how to do things and being told information / shadowing but i am not able to put this into practice (obviously because i am new) But what do i do? I want to ask more questions but it won't benefit me right now as it is too complex. Its in insurance btw.ALSO i have said i need more things to practice on.

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