
What I learned working in central office for state government

I learned from a meeting with a higher up that there really is no accountability for supervisors who work for my state in central office. No one is making sure they do their job, or do their job correctly. And performance evaluations for workers don’t really matter either. It doesn’t matter how hard you work. It goes nowhere. No one cares. Someone can pass the buck, get the job done as fast and as easily as possible with no attention to whether it causes a citizen hardship, kiss someone’s butt and get a promotion. Good luck if you have to apply for Medicaid in my state. Always always request a hearing if your case was incorrectly denied. And mail the hearing request certified mail. But even then, it’s not sure to land on the lap of someone who actually cares. Those people got burned out a long time ago.

I learned from a meeting with a higher up that there really is no accountability for supervisors who work for my state in central office. No one is making sure they do their job, or do their job correctly. And performance evaluations for workers don’t really matter either. It doesn’t matter how hard you work. It goes nowhere. No one cares. Someone can pass the buck, get the job done as fast and as easily as possible with no attention to whether it causes a citizen hardship, kiss someone’s butt and get a promotion. Good luck if you have to apply for Medicaid in my state. Always always request a hearing if your case was incorrectly denied. And mail the hearing request certified mail. But even then, it’s not sure to land on the lap of someone who actually cares. Those people got burned out a long time ago.

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