
what is going on with the job market

beware lol this is pretty lengthy and rant like. i’ve been looking for a job for about a year now. you would think it would be so easy because everyone is “hiring immediately” and desperate for people but i cannot get a job i’ve had a ton of interviews the last year and got each job that i made it to the interview stage with. most i declined because they were scams! for example, one was at a restaurant chain. i applied to be a take out specialist for $20/hr, when i got to the interview i was told that job didn’t exist but i could be a server assistant instead for $2.38/hr and split tips with the server?? there’s been a handful of jobs like that so at my most recent ones i started asking why the ad online said something way different than what they were telling me…

beware lol this is pretty lengthy and rant like.

i’ve been looking for a job for about a year now. you would think it would be so easy because everyone is “hiring immediately” and desperate for people but i cannot get a job i’ve had a ton of interviews the last year and got each job that i made it to the interview stage with. most i declined because they were scams! for example, one was at a restaurant chain. i applied to be a take out specialist for $20/hr, when i got to the interview i was told that job didn’t exist but i could be a server assistant instead for $2.38/hr and split tips with the server?? there’s been a handful of jobs like that so at my most recent ones i started asking why the ad online said something way different than what they were telling me in the interview. they literally said it was an intentional lie to get people in the door. not phrased like that obviously it was more like, “we wanted to catch peoples attention because everyone’s hiring.” when i brought up that the pay didn’t match they said the usual bs of once your here for a while and prove yourself and get promoted there’s potential to make as much as we said in the ad eventually. i looked it up and talked to a friend of mine in law school and it’s legal. i’m so mad how is this not fraud or something??

to make matters worse, 4 of the jobs i took didn’t pay me!! of course i demanded to be paid and after i wasn’t i told them i was going to get the labor board involved. some it went as far as an investigation for some just the talk of it was enough. the absolute worst part of this was how each one acted like i was dramatic when i didn’t get paid. after i told them that’s the only reason why me or any other employee is there they said i was acting crazy and needed to calm down.

and what is with jobs that would have been called entry level a few years ago saying college degrees/years of prior experience are preferred or even required?? i was rejected from multiple receptionist, cashier, and hotel front desk positions because i don’t have a bachelor’s. what is an entry level position anymore??

also for a little bit of context i’m currently unemployed and looking for jobs. i have only applied at entry level positions. have 4 steady years of customer service experience, and associates degree in hospitality management, and while i’m very clear and confident about my boundaries (hours, pay, scheduling, etc.) with employers as early as the interview stage, i’ve gotten every job i’ve interviewed for. i just ended up quitting later on. for obvious reasons like being berated/screamed at by an employer, lied to about something important like my pay rate, or not being paid on time or at all.

my questions though is why is this happening. people are quitting left and right because of the disrespect that we have to deal with from these people. short staffing is such an issue that places are shortening their hours/days that they’re open or closing the store all together, sometimes permanently. there’s this other strange issue of people not hiring other people at all. for instance i’ve been looking for a year now, had easily gone through 2 dozen interviews (but i think it’s more), yet i’ve applied for 80 places on indeed alone!!

someone please help me understand why these employers are poking holes in their own boats. is it so they can get on the news and talk about how hard it is to get someone to work for them and now their store is closing? do they love being the victim that much? can they just not help themselves? i’ve seen so many people walk out while being yelled at by our boss, myself included. maybe they just can’t help but treat people this way and that’s what’s going on. and the pay thing… HOW HAS THIS HAPPENED TO ME 4 TIMES???? and each time is was of no urgency to get me my paycheck. the quickest it was corrected was two weeks after pay day.

i’m so genuinely confused what is going on??

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