
What is it with companys and time off vs vacation and ageism?

Am I crazy does this happen to other people.or does it feel like companys loose their minds if you take time off in small chunks every month but if you took a whole week for a vacation they don't care. Does anyone else see this? Like you take one day every month for seven months for personal reasons and they get so upset but if you took a week off for vacation they don't care. And God forbid if you are under the age of 50. If any “young people” take time off it's fuckin awful but if an older person takes time off it's fine. (I'm not saying they don't deserve it) and who cares if the younger people have been at the company longer than the older people. Am I crazy

Am I crazy does this happen to other people.or does it feel like companys loose their minds if you take time off in small chunks every month but if you took a whole week for a vacation they don't care. Does anyone else see this? Like you take one day every month for seven months for personal reasons and they get so upset but if you took a week off for vacation they don't care. And God forbid if you are under the age of 50. If any “young people” take time off it's fuckin awful but if an older person takes time off it's fine. (I'm not saying they don't deserve it) and who cares if the younger people have been at the company longer than the older people. Am I crazy

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