
What is the alternative?

I know we are all here because we have issues with the current system. However, what is the solution? Is there any kind of alternative that will allow people to have what they need and to maintain some sort of society? I'm as happy to complain as the next person, but what can we do to make actual changes?? Is there anything? Where do we start? Please don't attack me or each other. This is just something I've thought about a lot and I'm curious what things others have come to. I appreciate your perspectives!

I know we are all here because we have issues with the current system. However, what is the solution? Is there any kind of alternative that will allow people to have what they need and to maintain some sort of society?

I'm as happy to complain as the next person, but what can we do to make actual changes?? Is there anything? Where do we start?

Please don't attack me or each other. This is just something I've thought about a lot and I'm curious what things others have come to. I appreciate your perspectives!

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