
What is the best way to give an ultimatum to my boss to survive financially?

I've been getting really poor hours (under 13 hours) a week for the last three weeks and my pay is reflecting that. (paychecks ranging from $277-$370 ). I made less than $1,000.00 last month total. I've asked and asked for more hours and I've gotten the runaround. Im debating the best way to text my boss to say if I don't have at least 20, I'm walking. Any tips/verbage I should use?

I've been getting really poor hours (under 13 hours) a week for the last three weeks and my pay is reflecting that. (paychecks ranging from $277-$370 ). I made less than $1,000.00 last month total. I've asked and asked for more hours and I've gotten the runaround. Im debating the best way to text my boss to say if I don't have at least 20, I'm walking. Any tips/verbage I should use?

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