
what is the greediest thing management has done at your workplace?

the first thing to come to mind is while i was working in food service during peak covid time. the franchise owners told managers that staff were “changing gloves too often” & to keep on eye on it. they also kept masks locked in the safe because we were “going through them too quickly”. they were too cheap to actually care about employee/customer safety and only cared about reducing costs. when i complained about how wrong this was, their solution: buying some cheap/extremely thin bandanas for employees to use as masks instead. this way they are reusable & they wouldn’t need to spend any more on ppe

the first thing to come to mind is while i was working in food service during peak covid time. the franchise owners told managers that staff were “changing gloves too often” & to keep on eye on it. they also kept masks locked in the safe because we were “going through them too quickly”. they were too cheap to actually care about employee/customer safety and only cared about reducing costs. when i complained about how wrong this was, their solution: buying some cheap/extremely thin bandanas for employees to use as masks instead. this way they are reusable & they wouldn’t need to spend any more on ppe

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