
What is the point of all this work?

I’m young and looking ahead to what I will do with my life and I started asking myself this question. School is like a 9 to 5 to me, I go to school for 7 hours a day 5 days a week and expected to do 1-2 more hours of homework, plus my robotics club that takes 15 more hours a week or more. I am not given time to recover or enjoy myself. My waking existence is work. And I think, “will this end?” What is the culmination of all this hard work I put forth? An opportunity to go to college and work some more, to then get an opportunity to work some more, at least this time being paid to do it? I don’t ever want to work for anyone other than myself in my life, but I know that this isn’t very likely. I would at…

I’m young and looking ahead to what I will do with my life and I started asking myself this question. School is like a 9 to 5 to me, I go to school for 7 hours a day 5 days a week and expected to do 1-2 more hours of homework, plus my robotics club that takes 15 more hours a week or more. I am not given time to recover or enjoy myself. My waking existence is work. And I think, “will this end?” What is the culmination of all this hard work I put forth? An opportunity to go to college and work some more, to then get an opportunity to work some more, at least this time being paid to do it? I don’t ever want to work for anyone other than myself in my life, but I know that this isn’t very likely. I would at least like to be paid a decent amount for all this work I do and have done. If I need to work this hard to just get a large portion of my generated value be sold to someone who does nothing, what’s the point? There is no longer enough in it for me to care.

I’m angry and exhausted, I just needed to get this off of my chest.

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