
What is the worst medical knowledge or advice a boss has given you?

I suffered a disc protrusion thanks to my job, I was constantly being made to repetitively lift 40 pound crates as a 145 pound woman with poor upper body strength. Because it didn't happen suddenly, I was having random leg cramps and hip pain for weeks and couldn't figure out why, I didn't report it as a work injury until a scan indicated a disc injury was the cause. Upon telling my boss he refused to believe it was a work injury because I didn't report it earlier and genuinely told me that I must have done it in my sleep because there's no way I could have done it at work, because it's not like I was lifting anything too heavy. I told my doctor this and she scoffed, said the only way I could've injured my disc in my sleep would be if I'd had a seizure and…

I suffered a disc protrusion thanks to my job, I was constantly being made to repetitively lift 40 pound crates as a 145 pound woman with poor upper body strength. Because it didn't happen suddenly, I was having random leg cramps and hip pain for weeks and couldn't figure out why, I didn't report it as a work injury until a scan indicated a disc injury was the cause. Upon telling my boss he refused to believe it was a work injury because I didn't report it earlier and genuinely told me that I must have done it in my sleep because there's no way I could have done it at work, because it's not like I was lifting anything too heavy. I told my doctor this and she scoffed, said the only way I could've injured my disc in my sleep would be if I'd had a seizure and fallen off the bed.

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