
What meaningful action can be taken to support staff during this cost of living crises, when I’m in no position to increase wages?

I’m on my workplace’s H&S committee (it’s a huge governmental body in Aus with over 1000 employees). You’d think major government bodies would have fairly entrenched support systems to aid staff during recurrent issues such as economic volatility but of course they don’t. We offer a workplace EAP counselling service with three free sessions up front and more if needed however I used this service previously and was chastised by its counsellor when I had done some self destructive behaviour as a PTSD reaction to my abusive ex (aka totally not trauma informed). I’m also part of our union and am sussing how to become my department rep, as I know the only significant change is increasing our wages to match inflation and increasing parental leave. But in the meantime, what can I offer my colleagues who are struggling (as am I). Is a support group a little too dramatic?…

I’m on my workplace’s H&S committee (it’s a huge governmental body in Aus with over 1000 employees). You’d think major government bodies would have fairly entrenched support systems to aid staff during recurrent issues such as economic volatility but of course they don’t. We offer a workplace EAP counselling service with three free sessions up front and more if needed however I used this service previously and was chastised by its counsellor when I had done some self destructive behaviour as a PTSD reaction to my abusive ex (aka totally not trauma informed).

I’m also part of our union and am sussing how to become my department rep, as I know the only significant change is increasing our wages to match inflation and increasing parental leave.

But in the meantime, what can I offer my colleagues who are struggling (as am I). Is a support group a little too dramatic? A grocery pooling service at each council building?

Help me!

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