
What should I do? HR doesn’t return my calls?

I work for a worldwide company. I was recently being considered for a management position and I think that’s gone bc my boss screwed it up for me out of spite. Some stuff went down between me and another guy, come to find out the stuff between us was all lies told by our boss. So when we squashed the problems, the guy said he was tired of our boss lying. So they fired the guy coming at my boss. The guy coming for my boss was totally in the right, my boss had told everyone because the guy was on fmla leave we couldn’t get raises because our raises are based off attendance for the area because the company makes money off a day rate. Since the guy got fired, its been constant problems. My check was short hours, i wasn’t given ppe, water, was told to buy it…

I work for a worldwide company. I was recently being considered for a management position and I think that’s gone bc my boss screwed it up for me out of spite.

Some stuff went down between me and another guy, come to find out the stuff between us was all lies told by our boss. So when we squashed the problems, the guy said he was tired of our boss lying. So they fired the guy coming at my boss. The guy coming for my boss was totally in the right, my boss had told everyone because the guy was on fmla leave we couldn’t get raises because our raises are based off attendance for the area because the company makes money off a day rate.

Since the guy got fired, its been constant problems. My check was short hours, i wasn’t given ppe, water, was told to buy it myself. Although I think its policy if not osha law to provide ppe and water to workers. i was told I can’t call hr or anyone within the company or I may be fired if my boss finds out. Not even payroll to check my hours or anything else. I get 80% of the workload while the other truck of workers works half days. But I’m rushed and told x y and z is wrong. Despite my crew never having issues, exceeding expectations, and have had customers call in and compliment my work.

No Retaliation is in this company’s policy. My boss straight up said he’d fire me if I called hrZ i have him on recording. They actually sent a memo going over that and other workers rights recently. So i was talking to a lady in hr but it looks like she straight up blocked my number. She no longer replies and my messages go through only as text, they used to go through as iMessage and show read receipts. So there was an Hr email, i emailed them and someone asked for my number. However, been a week and no call.

I need my job but I hate working here. I feel i could turn this area around or be great at building an area up full of good workers. I feel like my potential is being wasted, I’m being treated like the workhorse while other people take it easy. I can’t afford to quit, i have a family to support and just learned about a new baby on the way.

Can anyone offer support? Is going through HR even worth it at this-point?

I have recordings of interactions with him just don’t know who to speak with about this.

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