
What the entire fuck

Had an Interview with the district manager of a store that rhymes with Bernie’s back in may for a salaried assistant manager position. I have management and retail experience. First interview went so well she called me before I even got home to meet up with the store manager who was busy when I came in. Did the next day and that went well too. said she or the DM would get back to me before the weekend with their decision. Never did. I give it a few days, call DM back early the next week and get a half assed apology. She forgot to call me after loving me so much I got a 2nd interview lined up not even an hour after my first one. I take the L say fuck it and move on. Last week DM texts me this outta nowhere: “We recently had a manager…

Had an Interview with the district manager of a store that rhymes with Bernie’s back in may for a salaried assistant manager position. I have management and retail experience. First interview went so well she called me before I even got home to meet up with the store manager who was busy when I came in. Did the next day and that went well too. said she or the DM would get back to me before the weekend with their decision. Never did.

I give it a few days, call DM back early the next week and get a half assed apology. She forgot to call me after loving me so much I got a 2nd interview lined up not even an hour after my first one. I take the L say fuck it and move on.

Last week DM texts me this outta nowhere:

“We recently had a manager move to St.Louis which reopened the FT position. Would you be interested in discussing the opportunity?“

I’m thinking 3rd times the charm! my patience has paid off! So I set up another interview.

It’s with a new manager (funny enough she’d been there about 2 months). Off bat she said DM raved abt me so I’m thinking it’s in the bag. We got along well and had a really productive interview in my eyes. She tells me she’ll get back to me by the wknd.

She calls me back Saturday and I can instantly tell it’s bad news. They can offer me a position but it’d be part time $14/hr and ~15 hours a week. There was no management opening, there’s no manager who moved to St. Louis or even has plans to. I wanted to cuss her out over the phone bc why even bring me in if that’s the case but the DM was the one who told me that. I do my best to keep myself in check but tell her straight up; Im 29, not some HS/college kid looking for extra income for the weekends, so that would be wasting my time. She tried to keep it light and said she’ll talk to HR and see what can be done.

I call DM and ask her wtf is going on and share my feelings with her too. Another half assed apology and tryna laugh about stores blurring together. But she said she can’t hire a new manager for my location bc that would be undermining the store manager, but if I work hard promotions happen fast in the company. I let her know that she hurt me & I don’t really trust what she says anymore. She apologized again & that was that. That was Sunday and HR is still figuring out what they can do to solve this.

I don’t wanna cry discrimination or anything – I’d be 1 of the 2 black ppl in the store and the only guy as far as I know – but I truly have no idea why she’s on this with me. the only thing I can think of is I’m getting punked or it’s revenge but I never met her till I had my interview

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