
What the fuck is happening??

I interviewed for a barista position, something I’ve done for over 8 years (since high school, on and off). Interview with the owner went great, we really hit it off. She told me should would message me a potential schedule. I was sure I got the job. (It’s min wage plus tips in a hospital cafe) I had just as much coffee experience as the owner did. There was one girl working there who was still in high school. This is the message I received. Hi X, Thank you for meeting with me yesterday to discuss the position. I'm hoping you would like to work/train the next three days, paid, to see what it's like at our cafe and then we can go from there? This would be a great opportunity for us to get to know one another and make sure it's a good fit. If so I can…

I interviewed for a barista position, something I’ve done for over 8 years (since high school, on and off). Interview with the owner went great, we really hit it off. She told me should would message me a potential schedule. I was sure I got the job. (It’s min wage plus tips in a hospital cafe) I had just as much coffee experience as the owner did. There was one girl working there who was still in high school. This is the message I received.

Hi X,
Thank you for meeting with me yesterday to discuss the position. I'm hoping you would like to work/train the next three days, paid, to see what it's like at our cafe and then we can go from there? This would be a great opportunity for us to get to know one another and make sure it's a good fit. If so I can send you the link to our payroll site so you can get paid for your time. I'm thinking 3 7-hour shifts?
Whatcha think? 🙂

Is this a joke? I have interviews set up for different jobs this week, all of them pay more than this job. I was hoping to get this as a morning gig but I can’t believe she asked me to work for 3 days, doing something I’ve done my whole working life, and we connected on a lot of personal things in the interview so I know we vibed, all to prove I’m a good fit?

On top of that she and other workers I met there told me they’re closing early every day until they find workers, and this is how they expect to keep open???

I got my first barista job 8 years ago with no experience while in high school at a busy downtown shop. Now this slow hospital cafe doesn’t think I’m good enough?!? What’s happening!!

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