
What the hell is even the point of obtaining skills anymore? I just watched my work generate entire pages of Python in 3 seconds.

I started brushing up on some programming literacy and cybersecurity skills, but companies (like the one I work at) now see this as “easy” and won't pay people accurate wages (or even consider raises anymore). This is like some dystopian nightmare (or a wet dream for companies/owners/corporations). The CEO is an arrogant buffoon who gaslights everyone and says everything is “easy,” manipulating the conversations to call us all “greedy” for wanting actual pay, yet exploits us for more and more productivity while he takes home millions. What the fuck is even the point anymore? I'm at a loss, and my motivation is almost completely cut at the knees. If I spend hours learning a new language or things that AI/ML is just going to do in 3 seconds now, for positions that are no longer valued, what am I even doing? I feel like I've lost all sense of reality.…

I started brushing up on some programming literacy and cybersecurity skills, but companies (like the one I work at) now see this as “easy” and won't pay people accurate wages (or even consider raises anymore).

This is like some dystopian nightmare (or a wet dream for companies/owners/corporations).

The CEO is an arrogant buffoon who gaslights everyone and says everything is “easy,” manipulating the conversations to call us all “greedy” for wanting actual pay, yet exploits us for more and more productivity while he takes home millions.

What the fuck is even the point anymore?

I'm at a loss, and my motivation is almost completely cut at the knees.

If I spend hours learning a new language or things that AI/ML is just going to do in 3 seconds now, for positions that are no longer valued, what am I even doing?

I feel like I've lost all sense of reality.

I need some encouragement here. I'm one step away from just starting my whole life over and becoming a fucking plumber, because AI can't do that (yet).

We have to unionize and strike and utterly refuse to use these AI/ML tools without strict regulation and scaling compensation.

SAG-AFTRA had the right idea…

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