
What to do in the office when I dont have any work?

Hey, I work in an office and my job role means that I have a lot of time where I’m waiting for people to send me things, leading to a lot of time where I have nothing to do. Looking for ideas on what to do in that downtime. My boss sits at a desk right next to mine with only a chest-high partion between us, making fucking around on the internet difficult as he can and does pop his head round at any minute. My current strategy is to listen to an audiobook on my headphones while I copy out a random document in word, but this gets boring after a while. Any ideas?

Hey, I work in an office and my job role means that I have a lot of time where I’m waiting for people to send me things, leading to a lot of time where I have nothing to do.

Looking for ideas on what to do in that downtime. My boss sits at a desk right next to mine with only a chest-high partion between us, making fucking around on the internet difficult as he can and does pop his head round at any minute.

My current strategy is to listen to an audiobook on my headphones while I copy out a random document in word, but this gets boring after a while.

Any ideas?

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