
What would America look like if CEO’s/ presidents weren’t allowed to collect any bonus exceeding 500K? And instead those funds went to the workers

Like if there were a cap on a CEO’s bonuses and or salary ?? So you’re telling me a CEO can receive a 5 million dollar bonus and earn 30million a year but they gotta cut out jobs due to budget cuts or failed quota profit margins even though the companies have recorded record profits ? Why is America built this way where the workers always get the end of the stick. will it ever end perhaps no………

Like if there were a cap on a CEO’s bonuses and or salary ?? So you’re telling me a CEO can receive a 5 million dollar bonus and earn 30million a year but they gotta cut out jobs due to budget cuts or failed quota profit margins even though the companies have recorded record profits ? Why is America built this way where the workers always get the end of the stick. will it ever end perhaps no………

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