
What would you do in this situation? (A very immature and obnoxious co-worker turned supervisor)

I have this co-worker. this man is the most obnoxious person I have ever met. To the point it is driving me crazy. But first, a little background: – I used to like my job. A relatively cushy night shift job at 12.5 hour shifts 3-4 days a week, with a long stretch on every 4 weeks of 6 days in a row. – this individual has been with the company for 22 years, lives alone, and is in his mid-40s. -Until recently, the shifts would switch of positions, and we'd work with opposite personnel every few weeks. This man is one of the most annoying people i have ever met. His entire personality revolves around 3 things: Disney, the Beatles, and Wrestling (a fake sport). he cannot shut up and will talk my ear off about these topics (of which i do not care for at all) all night…

I have this co-worker. this man is the most obnoxious person I have ever met. To the point it is driving me crazy.

But first, a little background:

– I used to like my job. A relatively cushy night shift job at 12.5 hour shifts 3-4 days a week, with a long stretch on every 4 weeks of 6 days in a row.

– this individual has been with the company for 22 years, lives alone, and is in his mid-40s.

-Until recently, the shifts would switch of positions, and we'd work with opposite personnel every few weeks.

This man is one of the most annoying people i have ever met. His entire personality revolves around 3 things: Disney, the Beatles, and Wrestling (a fake sport). he cannot shut up and will talk my ear off about these topics (of which i do not care for at all) all night long. it might be the history of the Disney Halloween party one night, then the AI used in the latest Beatles single the next night, and so on.

He sounds like a broken radiator in his breathing, and he chews with his mouth open, to the point that i hear every. bite. He's a hot head, and if something goes wrong at work, he throws things in anger. he listens to his music either blaring on speakers, or with his headphones so loud you can hear it clear as day. He has the wettest, nastiest cough i have ever heard.

He is an HR nightmare, always wanting to talk politics if he is bored, especially social justice. When he watches YouTube at work, he laughs so loud that the guards 3 rooms over can hear it, and often bangs on the table or dances in his seat. He complains about dayshift if they move one little thing out of place.

I really, really want to say something about it to the boss, but the last time somebody spoke up about somebody here, the person who spoke up was fired in mere days. And now he is my supervisor, and I am stuck on shifts with him for the foreseeable future. It used to be that we would only work together every few weeks. Now it is constant, and I can't tolerate it anymore.

What do i do? the precedent has been set that if you complain about a co-worker, you get fired. I can't afford to be unemployed, and finding a new position has been a major pain, with hundreds of apps put out in the last couple weeks.

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