
What would you do (or request) if rto would be implemented?

Company was at full office operations pre-Covid pandemic. Come Covid, company went to full wfh setup. Continued hiring despite pandemic 'til number of employees won't all fit at once at current office space. When Covid situation got better, switched to hybrid setup. Among the teams, our team was given the privilege to continue wfh setup while other teams were mandated early this year to have 7 days in office, 8 days at home on a 3-week (Mon-Fri) rotation amongst teams. Company will be moving to a bigger office space and it seems full rto may be implemented or at least hybrid for all (including our team). Team will have a meeting with HR soon and would want to be prepared (and hoping to have the best possible agreement) in case rto would be mentioned. Would prefer to keep current wfh setup and if couldn't, try to keep office days at…

Company was at full office operations pre-Covid pandemic.

Come Covid, company went to full wfh setup.

Continued hiring despite pandemic 'til number of employees won't all fit at once at current office space.

When Covid situation got better, switched to hybrid setup.

Among the teams, our team was given the privilege to continue wfh setup while other teams were mandated early this year to have 7 days in office, 8 days at home on a 3-week (Mon-Fri) rotation amongst teams.

Company will be moving to a bigger office space and it seems full rto may be implemented or at least hybrid for all (including our team).

Team will have a meeting with HR soon and would want to be prepared (and hoping to have the best possible agreement) in case rto would be mentioned.

Would prefer to keep current wfh setup and if couldn't, try to keep office days at the minimum at least and ask for what may be a reasonable exchange.

What would you do [or request – such as number of days in the office (up to how many would you agree to vs. days at home), increase in compensation (how would you compute this or is there a standard for it), additional benefits (what specifically), etc.] if you were in my situation and full rto would be implemented? How about if it would be hybrid?

Anyone who has a similar experience or also about to possibly experience the same?

Thanks for taking the time to read and for those who'll give their insights in advance.

My sympathies to those who have a similar (or worse) situation.

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