
What would you say/do?

At work we were given mentors. These conversations are supposed to be confidential as well. My mentor is an executive and we were discussing my career path. I love my job and what I do and I’m a high performer who consistently receives exceeds expectations but I’m stuck in my career ladder because nothing above me is available. I mentioned this to her to maybe get some advice as I really want to stay with this company. I’ve been here for quite some time and moved up fairly quickly. Well her advice was that my previous employee that I used to manage is set to be promoted soon (to a higher level than me) and she mentioned his position would be open. I told her that I wouldn’t be interested because I’m looking to move up not back where I used to be. Leaving that meeting I feel beyond insulted…

At work we were given mentors. These conversations are supposed to be confidential as well. My mentor is an executive and we were discussing my career path. I love my job and what I do and I’m a high performer who consistently receives exceeds expectations but I’m stuck in my career ladder because nothing above me is available. I mentioned this to her to maybe get some advice as I really want to stay with this company. I’ve been here for quite some time and moved up fairly quickly. Well her advice was that my previous employee that I used to manage is set to be promoted soon (to a higher level than me) and she mentioned his position would be open. I told her that I wouldn’t be interested because I’m looking to move up not back where I used to be.

Leaving that meeting I feel beyond insulted that she would even think of this. I get told constantly by the execs how good I’m doing and that I’m one of the smartest people in the company for one of them to offer me this. The bad part is I feel I can’t talk to anyone about it because our meetings are confidential. I went from loving my job to being miserable here in one day.

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