
What would you say to an ‘Anti-Walkout’ Employer Sympathizer?

So was having a chat with my father today. And we were talking about a string of restaurants that are beginning to close in town. And he said talking about an example he read about it's 'terrible' that the staff just walked out one time. That, they all went on their break at the same time and just didn't come back. Just left the customers who paid waiting for food. Left the kitchen on and running. The till unattended. Everyone working there just left. And the employer had to shut it down. And he thought that was really bad. And that what they should have done was 'be civil' about it. And book a day and say, this is how you do things 'properly'. That the restaurant owner had to close. And really the anger should be at the government because it's them and their tariffs that cause the employer…

So was having a chat with my father today. And we were talking about a string of restaurants that are beginning to close in town. And he said talking about an example he read about it's 'terrible' that the staff just walked out one time. That, they all went on their break at the same time and just didn't come back. Just left the customers who paid waiting for food. Left the kitchen on and running. The till unattended. Everyone working there just left. And the employer had to shut it down. And he thought that was really bad. And that what they should have done was 'be civil' about it. And book a day and say, this is how you do things 'properly'. That the restaurant owner had to close. And really the anger should be at the government because it's them and their tariffs that cause the employer to cover costs and owning a business just isn't worth it. And that the staff are 'holding the poor employer to ransom', and at the end of the day, it just means less operating businesses and then we won't have anything.

I tried to explain to him, when he's ever been in a situation at a restaurant like this example. That you've got checks all day in a hot environment. Working with in a tiny cooking environment with incompetent equipment and an overly bloated menu, got generic arsehole colleague being a diva about what work they do and don't want to do and you needing to lock horns with them and check their attitude, whilst the manager is constantly moaning about cutting hours to save money, and food and drink is going for an extortionate price. And dealing with the generic karens of the modern world. And the level of anger it takes to get to that point means there must have been something bad. But he just dismissed it.

Make of that as you would. But lets say you're not talking to my never-worked-at-an-exploiting-job boomer father that loves going out to restaurants all the time and feeling threatened about this luxury being taken away from him about this issue. But a general open minded critic with the intention of helping people that share your views with their argument?

What would you say?

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