
What would your job be in a post capitalist economy?

This is something that I spend a lot of time thinking about: given that we begin to live in a post capitalist economy where money is no longer something that people even consider what sort of jobs would people have and what sort of job would you have? I want to know what people would do with their time and, if you want to tell, what do you think society would look like? I think that I would probably do the same thing that I do right now I would just be paid more and I wouldn't have to work as much – I'm imagining a society where I can pay for college with just a normal job and I own my own home in a place that isn't in the absolute armpit of the country. Medicine isn't expensive and there's the opportunity to eventually get a job that has…

This is something that I spend a lot of time thinking about: given that we begin to live in a post capitalist economy where money is no longer something that people even consider what sort of jobs would people have and what sort of job would you have? I want to know what people would do with their time and, if you want to tell, what do you think society would look like? I think that I would probably do the same thing that I do right now I would just be paid more and I wouldn't have to work as much – I'm imagining a society where I can pay for college with just a normal job and I own my own home in a place that isn't in the absolute armpit of the country. Medicine isn't expensive and there's the opportunity to eventually get a job that has a higher impact on the world and society that I live in – a stark contrast to the country and economy that I experience!

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