
What would your response be?

What's your response to the following? Small firm currently does everything in house. They are deciding to use an outside firm to outsource those services instead of paying for the internal systems. They have stated throughout this decision, you will continue to have a job and they want you to work with them on the transition. They have stated they have the option to carve out functions that the new provider offers and will keep some functions in house (ie my job). However, they then send you the contract for review, and in the contract, you learn everything you had talked about still having a job to do, is listed in the contract per standard. You then send a quick response stating based on our prior conversations, I thought we were carving out services (ie still having my job). They then respond with “there may be some duties included that…

What's your response to the following?

Small firm currently does everything in house. They are deciding to use an outside firm to outsource those services instead of paying for the internal systems. They have stated throughout this decision, you will continue to have a job and they want you to work with them on the transition. They have stated they have the option to carve out functions that the new provider offers and will keep some functions in house (ie my job). However, they then send you the contract for review, and in the contract, you learn everything you had talked about still having a job to do, is listed in the contract per standard. You then send a quick response stating based on our prior conversations, I thought we were carving out services (ie still having my job). They then respond with “there may be some duties included that we will ultimately do in house. This agreement includes everything they can do and we need to decide what that looks like.” However, they also attached an email asking preliminary questions regarding fees and none of that was bought up. It would make sense to me if you wanted to reduce fee cost, the carve out should have been pointed out. The “may” is a huge red flag to me.

So besides looking for a new job, how would you respond to their last response?

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