
What you consider poor social skills at work?

I got told I had no social skills because I wanted to dine out in restaurants on my lunch hour. WTF is it anyone else's business what I do on my lunch hour. Grow a GD spine and stop being mad because someone doesn't want to sit in the breakroom eating a cold sandwich with you. Or better yet, try to find friends outside of your workplace if you can. It's my time and my money. Same with coffee. If I go to the breakroom to get coffee it doesn't follow that I must ask anyone else if I can fetch coffee for them too….go get your own coffee. Fix it yourself. I won't read the responses because I'm sure most will be quite rude but I needed to get that off my chest.

I got told I had no social skills because I wanted to dine out in restaurants on my lunch hour. WTF is it anyone else's business what I do on my lunch hour. Grow a GD spine and stop being mad because someone doesn't want to sit in the breakroom eating a cold sandwich with you. Or better yet, try to find friends outside of your workplace if you can. It's my time and my money. Same with coffee. If I go to the breakroom to get coffee it doesn't follow that I must ask anyone else if I can fetch coffee for them too….go get your own coffee. Fix it yourself.

I won't read the responses because I'm sure most will be quite rude but I needed to get that off my chest.

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