
What’s a good response when asked what you do for work?

Usually I just answer the question earnestly but occasionally I feel like playing around and say stuff like ‘i get paid to poison people and rearrange pixels to make other peoples wallets a bit fatter’ (bartending and web design) On the weekend whilst drunk at a wedding a fairly cute lady asked me what I do and I blurted out something like “I try in vain to figure out what I want to do with my life and rack up student debt and an increasingly patchy resume in the process. I hope you’re not in the same industry” she found it amusing and it set a good tone for the conversation that culminated ated with me getting her number (she’s a doctor so I’ll probably only see her once every 3 months which works for me since I like my space) Do you guys ever play around when people ask…

Usually I just answer the question earnestly but occasionally I feel like playing around and say stuff like ‘i get paid to poison people and rearrange pixels to make other peoples wallets a bit fatter’ (bartending and web design)

On the weekend whilst drunk at a wedding a fairly cute lady asked me what I do and I blurted out something like “I try in vain to figure out what I want to do with my life and rack up student debt and an increasingly patchy resume in the process. I hope you’re not in the same industry” she found it amusing and it set a good tone for the conversation that culminated ated with me getting her number (she’s a doctor so I’ll probably only see her once every 3 months which works for me since I like my space)

Do you guys ever play around when people ask you? What’s your favourite response?

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