
What’s a reasonable hourly wage for a part time manufacturing employee?

I have been working at my Manufacturing job for about 2 years. I don’t have a college degree nor any certifications, but they have chosen to put me in a training roll for mechanical engineering. it doesn’t feel like training as it kinda just feels like I’m figuring out whatever they need done. I am currently in charge of building a test wall which will run our newest pumps, i conformal coat pcm boards, and I’m helping build a new robotic cell. On top of those three main duties, i do whatever is needed; i have learned to solder for them among other skills. Considering i don’t have a degree, how much should i be getting paid? My current rate is $16.80 and my yearly review is coming up. Should i ask for a raise?

I have been working at my Manufacturing job for about 2 years. I don’t have a college degree nor any certifications, but they have chosen to put me in a training roll for mechanical engineering. it doesn’t feel like training as it kinda just feels like I’m figuring out whatever they need done. I am currently in charge of building a test wall which will run our newest pumps, i conformal coat pcm boards, and I’m helping build a new robotic cell. On top of those three main duties, i do whatever is needed; i have learned to solder for them among other skills. Considering i don’t have a degree, how much should i be getting paid? My current rate is $16.80 and my yearly review is coming up. Should i ask for a raise?

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