
What’s best action to take here?

I need professional/lawyer advice on how to proceed with this level of harassment. I’ve already notified two of my supervisors and they told me to stay put. No harm, no foul YET. Just taking legal and logical precautions. I have a lawyer on stand by just in case. What does everyone naturally want to do as soon as they CLOCK OUT for work? Going home as soon as possible is my first instinct and always will be. Hanging around inside the building for happy hour, etc, after CLOCKING OUT isn’t something I care about nor is it a MANDATED obligation after being OFF THE CLOCK, and I’m unapologetic about it. Under ZERO circumstances I should be STOPPED by any co-worker or EMPLOYER from leaving the premise. 1. Either I call Chicago and report about the these constant (two separate occasions) unintentional but NOTICEABLE obvious mind games/harassment, which isn’t my style…

I need professional/lawyer advice on how to proceed with this level of harassment. I’ve already notified two of my supervisors and they told me to stay put.

No harm, no foul YET. Just taking legal and logical precautions. I have a lawyer on stand by just in case.

What does everyone naturally want to do as soon as they CLOCK OUT for work? Going home as soon as possible is my first instinct and always will be. Hanging around inside the building for happy hour, etc, after CLOCKING OUT isn’t something I care about nor is it a MANDATED obligation after being OFF THE CLOCK, and I’m unapologetic about it. Under ZERO circumstances I should be STOPPED by any co-worker or EMPLOYER from leaving the premise.

1.  Either I call Chicago and report about the these constant (two separate occasions) unintentional but NOTICEABLE obvious mind games/harassment, which isn’t my style and it’d put my employment security instantly as risk by doing so, but I’ve never being one to be FOLDED under pressure when it comes down to doing the right thing. [Not a snitch]

2.  You can continue to fuck around with these little harmless level 1 but NOTICEABLE grade school bullying tactic/harassment every time I’m heading towards the exit door trying to leave the building and going home AFTER completing my 8-12 hours obligated shift basically WAITING and unintentionally DARING me to do something out of character while I’m JUST trying to get to my car to GO HOME.

3.  Unintentional bullying tactic/harassment  or not, I pray to god for YOUR fucking soul that you never walk behind me and following me towards my car trying to INSTIGATE something to get a reaction out of me or bluntly try to get in my car(PERSONAL space/boundaries), in which point for my own safety, I would INSTANTLY proceed to introduce you to the REAL ME, and May god have mercy on both of our souls.

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