
Whats even the point of living when all you do is to work?

Most people spend around 11 hours daily from Monday to Friday in work or work related tasks like getting ready and commuting. Then you have 2 days where you have to shove in all your hobbies and responsibilities and then the cycle starts anew. You are supposed to do this for 40-45 year. Then you get a small pension and if you are lucky you then have 20-30 years of free time during which your health and energy continuously deteriorates. If we get 4 working days and 3 free days every week and 6 weeks of vaccation instead of 4 or 5 we would have an actuay life and still be 90% as prodictive as we are with 5/2 days and just 4 or 5 weeks of vaccation. This model would be a life – what we have now is just a grind. I dont blame the people ripping of…

Most people spend around 11 hours daily from Monday to Friday in work or work related tasks like getting ready and commuting.

Then you have 2 days where you have to shove in all your hobbies and responsibilities and then the cycle starts anew.

You are supposed to do this for 40-45 year. Then you get a small pension and if you are lucky you then have 20-30 years of free time during which your health and energy continuously deteriorates.

If we get 4 working days and 3 free days every week and 6 weeks of vaccation instead of 4 or 5 we would have an actuay life and still be 90% as prodictive as we are with 5/2 days and just 4 or 5 weeks of vaccation.

This model would be a life – what we have now is just a grind. I dont blame the people ripping of the system. Sometimes I think they are the smart ones and the ones still grinding 40 or 50 or 60 hours a week are the Zombies and fools.

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