
What’s my best course of action here?

I work for a 'small' construction business that's actually a national franchise. There's so many things to complain about that I don't even know where to start. All of the time-keeping for our hours is done on paper, and I noticed shortly after getting hired that the times didn't add up with what I was keeping track of for my own record. I noticed that 8 and a half hours for example, was being written down as 8.3 hours, instead of 8.5 hours. Or 9 hours 45 minutes calculated as 9.45 hours. It seemed like an honest mistake, but I couldn't help but feel like the owner was too smart to not notice the mistake week after week, and I'm not sure how long it had been being done that way before I called it out. ​ Recently, they tried to suggest that we take half pay for our forced…

I work for a 'small' construction business that's actually a national franchise. There's so many things to complain about that I don't even know where to start. All of the time-keeping for our hours is done on paper, and I noticed shortly after getting hired that the times didn't add up with what I was keeping track of for my own record. I noticed that 8 and a half hours for example, was being written down as 8.3 hours, instead of 8.5 hours. Or 9 hours 45 minutes calculated as 9.45 hours. It seemed like an honest mistake, but I couldn't help but feel like the owner was too smart to not notice the mistake week after week, and I'm not sure how long it had been being done that way before I called it out.

Recently, they tried to suggest that we take half pay for our forced Saturday work, because it was lighter easier work, when we're normally on overtime by Friday. This didn't fly, because a coworker made a big fuss, but these are just some of the instances of shenanigans not to mention safety violations and empty promises.

On top of all of this, the owner is a flat earther-holocaust denier, who I've heard talk multiple times about how Hitler was misunderstood, and was actually a pretty great man with all that he achieved. He casually makes racist jokes, that are lighthearted enough that in a blue collar environment its tolerated, but at the same time, joking with me about being a terrorist or asking if I have a bomb strapped to me seems a little overboard. Multiple times he's made some vague reference to wearing a towel on my head, even though I don't wear a turban, but basically he doesn't seem to be able to talk to me without making some sort of racist 'joke'

My coworker who's a big part of the reason I've stayed at this job recently left, and it's really hurting the company who's already struggling to find skilled workers. I'm preparing my exit, but I'm curious about what kind of suggestions anyone might have since we have the power of the internet.

I apologize for the post being a bit long and rambling, thanks for reading

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