
What’s the best excuse for taking a week off from work if you used up all of your vacation time?

Hi all, I'm in a little bit of a predicament. I totally forgot about a vacation that I planned a year ago with my friend group and was just recently reminded that it's coming up (don't ask me how we've gone months without talking about the trip until now lol). I have used up all of my vacation time and really don't have much other time off available to cover the week. What's a good excuse to be able to get a week off without them questioning? Any advice would appreciated! Thanks!

Hi all,

I'm in a little bit of a predicament. I totally forgot about a vacation that I planned a year ago with my friend group and was just recently reminded that it's coming up (don't ask me how we've gone months without talking about the trip until now lol). I have used up all of my vacation time and really don't have much other time off available to cover the week. What's a good excuse to be able to get a week off without them questioning? Any advice would appreciated! Thanks!

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