
What’s the best way to turn in a resignation letter?

After 2 years, I’m ready for a new adventure. I sit here every day, even now, dreading the customers and the tasks I’m supposed to accomplish. Though the agency I work for is fairly chill, I disagree so much with the organization, industry, and their pursuit of more more more everyday. Insurance sucks. It’s the moment I envisioned with quitting this job, but I actually really like my boss and coworkers and they depend on me so leaving is going to be awkward as fuck. But I’m going crazy here so it has got to happen. I typed up the letter but I’m not sure if I should email it or hand it to my boss physically on Friday. I usually don’t care as much but this job and boss and been good to me for the most part; it’s just time for me to move on. What is the…

After 2 years, I’m ready for a new adventure. I sit here every day, even now, dreading the customers and the tasks I’m supposed to accomplish. Though the agency I work for is fairly chill, I disagree so much with the organization, industry, and their pursuit of more more more everyday. Insurance sucks.

It’s the moment I envisioned with quitting this job, but I actually really like my boss and coworkers and they depend on me so leaving is going to be awkward as fuck. But I’m going crazy here so it has got to happen.

I typed up the letter but I’m not sure if I should email it or hand it to my boss physically on Friday. I usually don’t care as much but this job and boss and been good to me for the most part; it’s just time for me to move on. What is the best practice when resigning?

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