
What’s the most laughable reason you’ve been turned down for a job?

Most people have been turned away from a job for the most ridiculous reasons. I once applied to be a receptionist at a salon because I said I wanted to attend cosmetology school and they were upset that I would go to school! They wanted my full focus to be a receptionist making $10-$12 an hour for the rest of my life, with no benefits! Wtf?! I was also turned down for a job because I wore yellow to an interview. Old white man said “we wear more muted colors here.” It's a call center, who cares what I wear?

Most people have been turned away from a job for the most ridiculous reasons. I once applied to be a receptionist at a salon because I said I wanted to attend cosmetology school and they were upset that I would go to school! They wanted my full focus to be a receptionist making $10-$12 an hour for the rest of my life, with no benefits! Wtf?!

I was also turned down for a job because I wore yellow to an interview. Old white man said “we wear more muted colors here.” It's a call center, who cares what I wear?

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