
What’s the most tedious clock in/out procedure you’ve had to deal with, and what was the most efficient?

Was just thinking about a couple jobs where I had to use old-school time cards with a time printer. One job (in 2018 no less) still used a time card/printer setup, but the damned thing was just sitting on a table, not mounted to a wall or anything like usual, and it would fucking move everywhere while you tried to line up the right box on the card through that dumb little window. I only worked there a couple days because they were using some random piece of sheet metal for a dock plate, and it shifted a bit the couple times I drove across. Ended up quitting on the spot after a couple arguments about OSHA laws lol On the flip side, even though Speedway is still a shit company to work for, we clocked in and out with a finger print scanner, which worked surprisingly well. How about…

Was just thinking about a couple jobs where I had to use old-school time cards with a time printer. One job (in 2018 no less) still used a time card/printer setup, but the damned thing was just sitting on a table, not mounted to a wall or anything like usual, and it would fucking move everywhere while you tried to line up the right box on the card through that dumb little window. I only worked there a couple days because they were using some random piece of sheet metal for a dock plate, and it shifted a bit the couple times I drove across. Ended up quitting on the spot after a couple arguments about OSHA laws lol

On the flip side, even though Speedway is still a shit company to work for, we clocked in and out with a finger print scanner, which worked surprisingly well.

How about you all? Ever delt with something worse than a loose time card puncher?

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