
What’s the point now? What are we doing?

CEOs and bosses laying off thousands and raking millions, threats of AI replacing people in the work place, more war and after thousands of years of evolution and science and we still can't feed the hungry or house the poor? Seriously why TF are we on this planet if we can't even work together? The new “minimum wage” is 15 dollars or 30k a year but medium income has now risen to 46k, a whole 16k less than what only some of us are making and much less thsn what unfortunately a lot are as well. I can't even celebrate a birthday because bills won't let up and if something goes wrong, even by a little, than I lose my home or my power or my family doesn't eat.

CEOs and bosses laying off thousands and raking millions, threats of AI replacing people in the work place, more war and after thousands of years of evolution and science and we still can't feed the hungry or house the poor? Seriously why TF are we on this planet if we can't even work together? The new “minimum wage” is 15 dollars or 30k a year but medium income has now risen to 46k, a whole 16k less than what only some of us are making and much less thsn what unfortunately a lot are as well. I can't even celebrate a birthday because bills won't let up and if something goes wrong, even by a little, than I lose my home or my power or my family doesn't eat.

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