
What’s the point of college if employers don’t respect it

What's the point of spending years in college, dedicating myself to learning, and earning a degree if my employer doesn't respect or value my expertise? I feel completely disillusioned and frustrated. I worked tirelessly to understand the intricacies of my field, thinking that this knowledge would empower me to excel in the professional world. I graduated with a 3.8 GPA, But here I am, feeling like my education was a waste of time. I was taught to solve problems creatively, think critically, and stay updated with industry standards. I studied hard to become a professional, but now, every day at work feels like a slap in the face. My employer constantly undermines my knowledge and expertise, making me feel like an imposter in a field where I am supposed to be an expert. Why did I spend all those years learning the best practices and industry standards if my employer…

What's the point of spending years in college, dedicating myself to learning, and earning a degree if my employer doesn't respect or value my expertise? I feel completely disillusioned and frustrated. I worked tirelessly to understand the intricacies of my field, thinking that this knowledge would empower me to excel in the professional world. I graduated with a 3.8 GPA, But here I am, feeling like my education was a waste of time.

I was taught to solve problems creatively, think critically, and stay updated with industry standards. I studied hard to become a professional, but now, every day at work feels like a slap in the face. My employer constantly undermines my knowledge and expertise, making me feel like an imposter in a field where I am supposed to be an expert.

Why did I spend all those years learning the best practices and industry standards if my employer insists on doing things their way? They belittle my suggestions and dismiss my input as if I have no idea what I'm talking about. It's infuriating to have my education and skills disregarded, especially when I know my stuff. The methodologies and principles I advocate for are industry standards, yet I am made to feel like I'm completely out of touch.

The disconnect between what I was taught in college and what is practiced in the corporate world is staggering. I entered the workforce with the hope that my education would be my greatest asset. Instead, it has become a source of frustration and disillusionment. I thought college was preparing me to be a professional, but now it feels like it was all for nothing. The corporate world doesn't care about what I know or what I've learned; they only care about conformity and blind obedience.

Isn't the point of hiring educated professionals to leverage their knowledge and expertise? If employers are going to dictate how everything should be done, then what's the point of seeking higher education? It feels like I've been cheated, investing time, effort, and money into an education that is not respected or valued in the real world. I'm tired of being treated like a clueless newbie when I have the credentials and knowledge to back up my work.

College was supposed to be the foundation of my professional career, but in reality, it seems like nothing more than a checkbox for employers. They don't want innovative thinkers or experts; they want drones who follow orders without question. It's demoralizing and disheartening to realize that my education, something I took immense pride in, is rendered meaningless in this corporate environment.

Edit: Because people assume I'm a newly graduate.
For the past 15 years, I have worked in product development and manufacturing. My foundation was built in college, where I gained the knowledge that I later applied in my professional career to gain practical experience. Earning that degree was essential to my professional achievements.

TLDR: Despite dedicating years to earning a degree and gaining expertise in my field, my employer's constant disregard for my knowledge and skills has left me feeling disillusioned and frustrated, questioning the value of my education.

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