
What’s the point of me climbing the ladder if I lose benefits?

I work in film and tv production. I'd understand loving a job and wanting to be more involved but I want to be a writer, production is not something I particularly enjoy. Since I'm freelance my work is inconsistent and I made around 20k last year. I just got approved for medicaid. Idk what would be making too much but I'm pretty sure 20k is close to limit. So If I make too much I'd just lose it and not be able to afford unless I make a lot more money and work just for a chunk of it to go to healthcare? So I'd be better off just accepting gigs to make the limit but no more. I understand doing this would have it's flaws but seriously am I missing something? With 20k I'm able to support myself which is something not everyone can say. So really, why should…

I work in film and tv production. I'd understand loving a job and wanting to be more involved but I want to be a writer, production is not something I particularly enjoy. Since I'm freelance my work is inconsistent and I made around 20k last year. I just got approved for medicaid. Idk what would be making too much but I'm pretty sure 20k is close to limit. So If I make too much I'd just lose it and not be able to afford unless I make a lot more money and work just for a chunk of it to go to healthcare? So I'd be better off just accepting gigs to make the limit but no more. I understand doing this would have it's flaws but seriously am I missing something? With 20k I'm able to support myself which is something not everyone can say. So really, why should I work if I'm just doing something I don't like that's taking up my time, when I could do something I like instead, and work for just enough money to support myself and not lose benefits that I won't be able to afford. Is this the only way I could possibly climb, by hoping my writing work becomes good enough to support me and live making just enough money to get by but not too much so I don't lose my benefits.

Edit: I'm wanting to get out of production and have been applying to retail jobs with the idea of just working part time just enough to survive and keep benefits. Instead of working full time I'll just focus on writing since its what I want to do. I'm not saying I expect it to be an easy or fun journey; I just get to do what I want to do and don't see the point of me climbing a work ladder to lose the privilege doing what I like.

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