
What’s the point of sharing our reviews and experience with a company if these job websites censor us?

Sorry, this is just a vent: I hate that if you had a genuinely terrible experience with a company, no matter how carefully and professionally you word your feedback, websites will reject or remove your review. What's the point of giving reviews if your only option is to praise them? Might as well change it into an endorsement/ego stroking system instead if your truth doesn't matter anyways. We need a better online review system.

Sorry, this is just a vent:

I hate that if you had a genuinely terrible experience with a company, no matter how carefully and professionally you word your feedback, websites will reject or remove your review. What's the point of giving reviews if your only option is to praise them? Might as well change it into an endorsement/ego stroking system instead if your truth doesn't matter anyways.

We need a better online review system.

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