
What’s the process of firing a store manager?

I think my store manager is getting fired.. Two assistant managers and one long-term associate quit within three months of each other. They all had exit interviews reporting a bunch of stuff that our store manager was/is doing. Things like time theft, wage theft, breaking policies, bullying associates, being high while at work… etc. When she got reported the first time, nothing happened. When she got reported the second time, nothing really happened other than our district manager and HR giving her a talking to. The third time when a beloved long term associate quit, a few days after the report she went on an emergency weeklong leave. That weeklong leave was supposed to end last week, but right as her leave was up she supposedly got Covid and took another leave. That leave was planned to end tomorrow. But I just got notice today that her leave has been…

I think my store manager is getting fired..

Two assistant managers and one long-term associate quit within three months of each other. They all had exit interviews reporting a bunch of stuff that our store manager was/is doing. Things like time theft, wage theft, breaking policies, bullying associates, being high while at work… etc.

When she got reported the first time, nothing happened. When she got reported the second time, nothing really happened other than our district manager and HR giving her a talking to. The third time when a beloved long term associate quit, a few days after the report she went on an emergency weeklong leave. That weeklong leave was supposed to end last week, but right as her leave was up she supposedly got Covid and took another leave. That leave was planned to end tomorrow. But I just got notice today that her leave has been extended again, and we don’t know when she’s coming back.

THEN in the middle of all this I got a call to have an interview for a management position. Am I safe to assume she’s outta here?

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