
What’s Your Greatest Weakness?

What's your greatest weakness? I saw someone posting about getting asked a variation of this question in an interview on another thread. I was going to answer there but I thought maybe I should give it it's own thread as I thought some people may find this helpful. I used to really hate this question as it felt like a trick question. They're either asking you to be honest and make yourself look incompetent OR they're asking you to do a little song and dance by dressing up a strength as something bad i.e. I care too much, I'm a perfectionist, etc.. On my last foray in the job hunt I finally found what I feel is an appropriate answer to this question that is both honest and won't make you look like a jackass. The answer is tell the truth, give them an actual weakness of yours… but explain…

What's your greatest weakness? I saw someone posting about getting asked a variation of this question in an interview on another thread. I was going to answer there but I thought maybe I should give it it's own thread as I thought some people may find this helpful. I used to really hate this question as it felt like a trick question. They're either asking you to be honest and make yourself look incompetent OR they're asking you to do a little song and dance by dressing up a strength as something bad i.e. I care too much, I'm a perfectionist, etc..

On my last foray in the job hunt I finally found what I feel is an appropriate answer to this question that is both honest and won't make you look like a jackass.

The answer is tell the truth, give them an actual weakness of yours… but explain how you overcome it.

In my own interviews I would alternate between a couple different answers (depending on the role) but each was just as true. Here's a couple examples:

  • I have terrible memory… so because of this I make sure to keep detailed notes for each project I'm assigned and for every meeting I'm invited to. In turn, I also live off an Outlook calendar where I make sure to place reminders of important deadlines.
  • I'm not very experienced in [random programming language / technology / framework] (I'm a software developer)… but because of this I actively seek out tutorials and tech documentation to learn more about it. When I have free time, I try to pursue projects to help me become stronger with said technology.
  • I don't have much experience with this industry… but I have experience in this other industry and working in that field has taught me how to do x, y, and z which have some overlap with this new industry
  • I don't have a computer science degree… but my bachelor's in ancient history (please don't laugh at me) taught me how to do comprehensive research and how to argue my perspective persuasively

I found when I come prepared with answers like this I no longer feel quite so bitter when I get the greatest weakness question. I also don't feel like I'm having to lie and so I feel far more confident which goes a long way when presenting yourself as a viable candidate.

I hope this helps!

TL;DR answer with an actual weakness you have but explain how you overcome it or are actively working to better yourself

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