
“What’s your greatest weakness?”

Is there anyone here who can tell me what the point of this question is in job interviews? Like what are they trying to get or ascertain from asking it? Is it so hard to believe that people don't have any weaknesses that would affect their job ability? Because I know if you say you don't have one or share one that isn't related to work, they will likely use it as a mark against you. If there are any recruiters or others who know, I'm all ears.

Is there anyone here who can tell me what the point of this question is in job interviews? Like what are they trying to get or ascertain from asking it? Is it so hard to believe that people don't have any weaknesses that would affect their job ability? Because I know if you say you don't have one or share one that isn't related to work, they will likely use it as a mark against you. If there are any recruiters or others who know, I'm all ears.

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