
What’s your worst “work sucks” story?

I'll start – and I honestly don't even think mine will be THAT bad. I worked for a construction company – the most miserable job I have ever had. The office was 50 minutes away from my house, I had to be there at 6:30AM everyday. I could not leave before 5PM every day. There was 0 PTO hours and 0 sick leave. I remember about 8 months into working at that company, I called my boss on a Sunday and left him a voice mail that I had the flu and was going to be staying in bed for at least the next 2-3 days. I figured that was RESPONSIBLE as I clearly shouldn't be at work, in the office, with the flu. Wow, I was wrong. I thought 0 sick days meant like “if you have a cold, come in and deal with it.” I didn't think it…

I'll start – and I honestly don't even think mine will be THAT bad. I worked for a construction company – the most miserable job I have ever had. The office was 50 minutes away from my house, I had to be there at 6:30AM everyday. I could not leave before 5PM every day. There was 0 PTO hours and 0 sick leave. I remember about 8 months into working at that company, I called my boss on a Sunday and left him a voice mail that I had the flu and was going to be staying in bed for at least the next 2-3 days. I figured that was RESPONSIBLE as I clearly shouldn't be at work, in the office, with the flu. Wow, I was wrong. I thought 0 sick days meant like “if you have a cold, come in and deal with it.” I didn't think it was “if you have been diagnosed with the flu you still have to come in.” Boy was I wrong. When I went into the office – it was either a wednesday or Thursday – I was called into the boss' office and reminded that we have zero sick time – so I had to make up all of my missed work hours within the SAME 2 week pay period I was in or I wouldn't get paid for those days. I was so confused. I did it though. It just really “shook” me. I didn't last more than a year at that company. I was fired for asking other employees about more lucrative openings at other companies that we were losing people to. I'm SO glad I got fired from that job.

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